A delightful Celebration for Dragon Boat Festival

There are so many ancient stories associated with the Duanwu Festival (also known as the Dragon Boat Festival), with the story of the patriotic poet Qu Yuan likely being the most familiar. This festival often sparks nostalgia, especially for those of us living abroad. Last week, Chung Wah Community Care (Chung Wah CC) delivered the spirit of Duanwu to our seniors by hosting festive celebrations at our Balcatta and Willetton Community Hubs. The enthusiastic participation of our seniors resulted in a packed house at both locations.

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The two main activities during the festival are eating zongzi (rice dumplings) and boat races related to the Duanwu Festival. Some parts of China also uphold customs such as wearing scented sachets, hanging up mugwort leaves, and drinking Realgar wine to bring good luck and ward off evil spirits. To elevate the festival spirits at our community hubs, Chung Wah CC prepared a 'dragon boat race' workout for the exercise session, allowing our seniors to stay in their seats while showing off their skills. The competition was keen, each holding a foam noodle as a paddle. The "dragon boat' race on the ground commenced with the music, their rowing rhythms reflecting the spirit of teamwork and mutual support. Though everyone was a bit tired after the competition, the seniors cheered each other on, enjoying the joy of the traditional activities.

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After the dragon boat activity, a special invitation was extended to one of our senior, Mrs Li, to demonstrate zongzi wrapping. First, she made a cone using the bamboo leaf, filling it with rice and stuffing, and securing it with another leaf and a few twists of a cotton string. The way she folded and wrapped the bamboo leaves around the glutinous rice and filling was a mesmerising art form. The result was a neat, triangular zongzi! After the wrapping demonstration, the seniors shared their own zongzi making experiences and the stories behind them. To wrap up the festivity, the atmosphere was lifted with a lucky draw, and each attendee received a zongzi from Chung Wah CC staff before heading home, full of happiness and satisfaction.

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The daily activities at our Chung Wah CC hubs are made up of different programs from Evergreen College. Our seniors look forward to enhancing their self-care ability, promoting physical and mental health, and pursuing meaningful life goals through their chosen Evergreen College programs. Led and assisted by our professional staff at Chung Wah CC, Evergreen College also offers an excellent social platform where seniors can meet and make friends from various age groups, languages, and cultural backgrounds, encouraging each other to fully enjoy their 'golden era'.

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Chung Wah has been servicing the WA community since 1909, dedicated to improving the quality of life of individuals from diverse backgrounds. Moreover, Chung Wah CC has over 35 years of professional care experience helping seniors and people with disability improve their well-being and better integrate into the community. In 2023, we're promoting our theme, "Embrace, Elevate & Flourish", and build a better community for all."

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