Embracing New Experiences: Have A Go Day 2023

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Have you ever stepped out of your comfort zone and try something new?

The "Have A Go Day" event, organised annually by the Seniors Recreation Council WA at Burswood Park, highlights the WA Seniors Week celebrations. It all started in 1992, and this year marks its 31st anniversary. The event, free for community members aged 50 and above, annually attracts over 15,000 people and more than 200 organisations. "Have A Go Day" embraces the essence of Seniors Week, not only celebrating and acknowledging the contributions of seniors to the WA community but also encouraging them to stay active and open to learning and trying new things.

Chung Wah Community Care (Chung Wah CC) proudly supports WA Seniors Week. On November 15th, we participated in "Have A Go Day", where our seniors confidently paraded around the field, led by a police band. Additionally, Chung Wah CC set up a booth at the venue to promote services offered by the "care finder" program.

The "care finder program”, funded by the Australian Government's Primary Health Network Program, aims to assist seniors needing care to access aged care services. Our care finder team is here to guide you through understanding, applying for, and choosing suitable aged care services. Suppose you are already receiving aged care services. In that case, we can also help you find and transition to a new provider that better suits your needs.

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Services provided by Chung Wah CC's care finder team include but are not limited to:

- Translation services to facilitate communication.

- Representing applicants in communications with My Aged Care and arranging assessments.

- Participating in assessments and providing support to applicants.

- Assisting in finding and selecting aged care service providers in the applicant's area.

- Helping applicants complete forms and understand service agreements.

- Following up after applicants receive care services.

- Assisting seniors in addressing other life challenges and accessing relevant assistance, such as physical and mental health issues, housing difficulties, homelessness, substance abuse, and social group service referrals.

For more information about Chung Wah CC's care finder program, please get in touch with us: 08 9328 3988 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Chung Wah has been servicing the WA community since 1909, dedicated to improving the quality of life of individuals from diverse backgrounds. Moreover, Chung Wah CC has over 35 years of professional care experience helping seniors and people with disability improve their well-being and better integrate into the community. In 2023, we're promoting our theme, "Embrace, Elevate & Flourish", and build a better community for all.

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