Evening Breeze into the East

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The esteemed poet known by the pen name "Evening Breeze", Mr. Gao, is relocating to Sydney with his family. At the end of September, Chung Wah Community Care (Chung Wah CC) hosted an informal farewell event for him at the Balcatta Community Hub.

Mr. Gao, originally from Hubei, China, worked as a text editor before his retirement. Growing up during China's turbulent times, he didn't have the opportunity for higher education. However, with a passion for learning, he became self-educated and well-versed. He migrated to Australia in 1995 to reunite with his family. From 2008, Mr Gao consistently contributed uniquely styled Tang and Song Dynasty-inspired poems to Perth's Chinese newspapers, showcasing his unwavering commitment. During his farewell, Mr Gao presented Mrs Kwok, the CEO of Chung Wah CC, with his anthology "Verses of Evening Breeze" as a keepsake.

"On the eve of our move to Sydney, I've compiled 38 poems from the past decade, each published in Perth newspapers, reflecting Chung Wah CC's vibrant senior care events. While the verses might be modest in craft, they're deep in sentiment," expressed Mr Gao.

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In his heartfelt note, Mr Gao praised Chung Wah CC for their invaluable contributions to seniors: "Chung Wah Community Care has championed English classes, cultural community hubs, and provided many engaging activities including tours, physical exercises, and home services for the Asian community in Western Australia. These endeavours have opened a new horizon for the elderly Chinese here, boosting their zest for life, wellness, and longevity."

Mrs Kwok appreciated Mr Gao's unwavering support towards Chung Wah CC over the years and has genuinely embodied Chung Wah CC's ideals of "Golden Years" and continual self-improvement; Mr Gao exemplifies a disciplined, challenging, and enriching life. Mrs Kwok wishes Mr Gao and his family a prosperous and healthy life in Sydney.

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Chung Wah has been servicing the WA community since 1909, dedicated to improving the quality of life of individuals from diverse backgrounds. Moreover, Chung Wah CC has over 35 years of professional care experience helping seniors and people with disability improve their well-being and better integrate into the community. In 2023, we're promoting our theme, "Embrace, Elevate & Flourish", and build a better community for all.

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