Bridging Cultures: FACPI and CWCC's Heartwarming Cultural Exchange

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On a sunny morning of April 11th, at the iconic Chung Wah Hall on James Street, a vibrant gathering unfolded as community members from the Filipino Australian Club of Perth (FACPI) joined hands with the staff and volunteers of Chung Wah Community Care (CWCC) for a delightful cultural exchange event.

The session was kicked off with CWCC's CEO, Theresa Kwok, who shared a captivating overview of CWCC's growth and the stories of Chinese immigrants in Australia. The narratives of the challenges faced by Asian seniors living abroad struck a chord with the attendees, sparking a lively discussion about the pressing need for comprehensive aged care services akin to those provided by CWCC.

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The day's highlight was Malu's passionate performance of a traditional Filipino dance. Her enthusiasm was infectious as she expressed her hopes to frequent the CWCC community hub and spread the joy of dance among the seniors. This sentiment resonated with other FACPI members equally eager to engage with the hub. Many voiced their intentions to volunteer or enrol as clients, keen to immerse themselves in the hub's bustling social life. Moved by the community's enthusiasm, Theresa encouraged the continued flow of innovative ideas and suggestions, underlining the importance of fostering independence and social bonds among seniors—a longstanding pillar of CWCC's mission.

The cultural journey continued into the afternoon with a visit to the renowned Perth Mint, where participants delved into the unique heritage of gold processing and minting in Western Australia. The day was capped off with a cozy afternoon tea at a traditional Filipino café, wrapping up a day replete with rich cultural exchanges. Henry, a FACPI member, reflected on the significance of balancing integration with preserving one's ethnic ties, especially for new immigrants. He commended CWCC's efforts in helping older adults adapt to Australian culture and celebrate their diverse Asian backgrounds.

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CWCC proudly serves our community from far and wide, including China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Singapore, and Malaysia and remains open to seniors from all cultural backgrounds. Looking ahead, the Balcatta Community Hub of CWCC is set to host an open day on April 29th. Everyone is invited to attend free of charge and discover the exceptional care and support CWCC offers to the seniors.

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