Cheers to the Volunteers

National Volunteer Week, NVW, is Australia’s largest annual celebration of volunteering since 1989. This marks an opportunity to recognise the impact of volunteer service and the power of volunteers worldwide. Volunteers are at every corner; organisations extend their deepest gratitude to all volunteers for giving their time and energy to make a change in their communities. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, ABS, over 5 million volunteers contribute more than 490 million hours. Approximately 30% of the volunteer group is age 70+, about 520,000 Western Australians (¼ of the population).

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National Volunteer Week was held on 15-21 May 2023, and the theme was “The Change Makers”. The week-long event recognises the vital support our country‘s millions of volunteers provide to their communities and encourages people to consider volunteering. Local communities reached out to volunteers to thank all Australians who volunteered their time and effort.

Chung Wah Community Care (Chung Wah CC) echoed this theme at the Balcatta and Willetton Hubs during NVW. We sincerely extend gratitude to all of Chung Wah CC‘s dedicated volunteers. Senior clients also say thank you to the selfless volunteers, and they respond with a heartwarming smile. We are one big family within our community hubs.

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Chung Wah CC‘s volunteers are an essential part of our growth. From board members to front-line workers across various services dedicated to the better. Below are some positive comments volunteers have made:

“Volunteering makes me healthy and happy.“

“Volunteering increases my self-confidence, I‘m more active socially and has improved my mental health.”

“Volunteering helps me integrate with the Australian community.“

Regardless of the motivations for volunteering, NVW celebrates our power to drive change. The Chung Wah CC’s volunteers are part of the Change Makers. Together, we build a better community.

If you‘re interested in starting your volunteer journey with Chung Wah CC, please contact us via phone or simply fill out the form on the Chung Wah CC website.

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Chung Wah has been servicing the WA community since 1909, dedicated to improving the quality of life of individuals from diverse backgrounds. Moreover, Chung Wah CC has over 35 years of professional care experience helping seniors and people with disability improve their well-being and better integrate into the community. In 2023, we‘re promoting our theme, Embrace, Elevate, and Flourish, and build a better community for all.

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