Look back at the EnCOMPASS Program

On May 4th, the EnCOMPASS team of Chung Wah Community Care (Chung Wah CC) welcomed five representatives from the Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils of Australia (FECCA) to recap our achievements and reviews of EnCOMPASS program in the past two years. The FECCA team also interviewed Vietnamese and Chinese community members to listen to their feedback and opinions on the EnCOMPASS services.

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Chung Wah CC joined the EnCOMPASS program led by FECCA in June 2021. This program helps seniors access culturally appropriate government-funded aged care services (MyAgedCare). Seniors who immigrated to Australia from non-English-speaking countries feel overwhelmed by the complex MyAgedCare system and applying for support is even more challenging. The EnCOMPASS team of Chung Wah CC speaks your language and understands your culture. We provide free information about MyAgedCare, help seniors to apply for the government‘s aged care services, and follow up on the approval progress.

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From June 2021 to March 2023, our EnCOMPASS team held more than 40 community talks on “Home Care and Senior Service” for more than 2,600 people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) communities, including China, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Philippines and India to explain MyAgedCare. Making the most of our language and cultural advantages, we have worked together with more than 350 people to apply for MyAgedCare support and follow up throughout the approval process. Chung Wah CC would like to thank FECCA for their guidance and assistance in the past two years.

In the coming future, Chung Wah CC will continue our efforts by providing relevant support with the new care finder program. This new program provides free face-to-face assistance with government funding for vulnerable seniors and those who cannot acquire service without the aid of family and friends, including referrals to the nearest senior and community services.

Chung Wah has been servicing the WA community since 1909, dedicated to improving the quality of life of individuals from diverse backgrounds. Moreover, Chung Wah CC has over 35 years of professional care experience helping seniors and people with disability improve their well-being and better integrate into the community. In 2023, we‘re promoting our theme, Embrace, Elevate and Flourish, and build a better community for all.

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