Volunteer Expo

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During National Volunteer Week (NVW), the City of Melville invited Chung Wah Community Care (Chung Wah CC) to participate in the inaugural Volunteer Expo held at Melville Plaza. This event aimed to promote volunteerism and allow participating organisations to engage with the community and recruit volunteers. NVW is an annual Australian event dedicated to recognising and thanking volunteers for their selfless contributions. This year's theme, "The Change Makers," celebrates the transformative power of volunteers and their impact on Australian communities. Volunteers are integral parts of Chung Wah CC and play an essential role in our community, from board members to day-to-day support workers. Each of them is driven by their unique motivations:

"Volunteering improves my health and happiness."
"Volunteering enhances my self-worth, social connections, and mental well-being."
"Volunteering helps me integrate and understand the Australian community."
Regardless of their motivations, our volunteers cultivate the vision of creating a better community for all, and they're genuinely the "change makers" of the Chung Wah CC community. If you want to join our volunteer team, don't hesitate to get in touch with us or download the volunteer registration form from our website.
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Chung Wah has been servicing the WA community since 1909, dedicated to improving the quality of life of individuals from diverse backgrounds. Moreover, Chung Wah CC has over 35 years of professional care experience helping seniors and people with disability improve their well-being and better integrate into the community. In 2023, we're promoting our theme, Embrace, Elevate & Flourish, and build a better community for all.

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