World Hepatitis Day 2023

Are we doing enough to achieve the global goal of eliminating Hepatitis by 2030?

World Hepatitis Day (WHD), designated by the World Health Organisation (WHO), is observed every year on the 28th of July. The aim of World Hepatitis Day is to intensify efforts to prevent and control hepatitis worldwide and to encourage individual, group, and public action to achieve the global goal of eliminating hepatitis by 2030.

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The 28th of July was chosen to commemorate the birthday of Baruch Blumberg, the Nobel laureate scientist who discovered the Hepatitis B virus and developed diagnostic tests and vaccines for it. The theme for World Hepatitis Day 2023 is "We're Not Waiting", - urging global action to eliminate Hepatitis B and C without delay.

Survey data indicates that over 330,000 Australians live with Hepatitis B and C. Of these, over 220,000 co-exist with Hepatitis B, with around 50,000 cases undiagnosed. 38% of co-existers were born in Asian countries, most resulting from mother-to-child transmission and early childhood infection. China started vaccinating newborns against Hepatitis B within 24 hours of birth only in 2002. Chronic Hepatitis B is a lifelong disease, but certain control methods can be adopted to maintain a healthy lifestyle. If not regularly cared for, the Hepatitis B virus can damage the liver, leading to cirrhosis, liver disease, liver cancer, and liver failure.

While Chronic Hepatitis B cannot be eradicated, liver damage can be controlled, and harmful effects can be reduced through treatment measures. Maintaining a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and reducing alcohol and smoking is extremely important. Regular medical check-ups can help monitor the condition of the liver, and early control can also reduce the harmful effects of the Hepatitis B virus.

Given this, Chung Wah Community Care (Chung Wah CC) believes it is crucial to effectively convey information related to Hepatitis B within the Chinese community. For older Asians, language barriers and a lack of digital technology knowledge can prevent them from accessing Hepatitis B and other health-related information. Chung Wah CC organises monthly health talks and uses weekly Chinese newspapers and radio broadcasts to effectively disseminate various information, helping community members obtain beneficial information. We also use digital communication media such as Facebook, WeChat, and YouTube to share information with community members of different age groups. If you are interested in getting more information about Hepatitis B and C, please consult your family doctor or call the National Hepatitis Information Hotline: 1800 437 222.

Chung Wah has been servicing the WA community since 1909, dedicated to improving the quality of life of individuals from diverse backgrounds. Moreover, Chung Wah CC has over 35 years of professional care experience helping seniors and people with disability improve their well-being and better integrate into the community. In 2023, we're promoting our theme, "Embrace, Elevate & Flourish", and build a better community for all.

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